Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Frozen orb, Hot market.

As soon as the Realms are up from patching I recommend going out and checking the prices of Frozen orbs, buy any orbs you see for their normal price (or lower) these will probably continue to be posted at this price for the next few days as a lot of people do not read the patch notes or do not realize that these can be traded for Eternals

The market for the Eternals should be going sky High, The cool downs have been removed from Gem transmutes so be prepared to see everyone run and grab as many mats as they can to crank these out.  This is also compounded by the fact that several people will be regeming (sadly I neither have a JC high enough to profit off of this or a Alchemist high enough to transmute).  But you can bet I am going to converting all my orbs!

You might also want to look for the mats required in the Transmutes and any cheap eternals you can find as these will be flying off the shelves too.


  1. NOTE: This post pretty much goes down as bad advice now. Seems Blizzard in their infinate wisdom has not removed the cooldown on Epic gem transmutes.

  2. lol- your not the only one to end up in that space!
