Tuesday, October 5, 2010

An Eggcellent time to build your nest egg!

As you know it's October and that means one thing. Time to start stockpiling Small eggs for Winter Veil!!

Wait....... WHAT????

Seriously though, it's not a bad time to start. Right now there is not a lot of going on. you're selling items out of your bank alts in preparation for Cataclysm. You're maybe grinding rep and trying to make what you can on the few remaining active segments of the markets. You might even be stocking up a few items you think are going to increase in price in cataclysm. Why not reserve a little space in that bank for small eggs?

Small eggs are in general rather cheap you will find them for less than 50 silver a lot of the time, you should add them to your snatch lists or even go so far as to farm a few for yourself. Like most low level cooking supplies they can sell for 1g or so each to people leveling cooking. With all the new alts coming up there will be plenty of people doing this. However this is not why you are stockpiling, you're stockpiling because come December 15th it will be Winter Veil again and for two or three days those eggs will be worth their weight in gold.

Last year the eggs were going on burning blade for 10g apiece for the first 6-10 hours or so and 5g each for the next couple days and never really fell below 2 until the holiday was over. This year due to inflation and added hassle to obtain  I would say they start even higher and remain that way for a longer period of time. Think about it. Cataclysm will be just 1 week old, no one is going to want to take the time to get their own eggs and everyone will do the cookies and milk quest (you can also make a pretty penny selling milk at this time). Pretty much everyone does the Winter Veil holiday quests and you will be looking at a time with the most traffic as people will be coming back to wow now that the expansion is live.

Sure there will be farmers grabbing these and the Egg market will level out toward the end of the holiday. But you're not going to be one of these farmers, right? You're going to be using your gathering professions (assuming you have some) to cash in on that early expansion mat gathering right? Wouldn't it be nice if you also had a bank tab full of eggs? These stacks of 20 eggs worth 200g+ a stack it's an awful nice present to yourself!

*Small note: It is possible although I think unlikely that the Winter Veil quests might change, I don't believe they will really get rid of getting WOW's Santa his milk and cookies, but even if this does happen the low level foods will still sell... just might take a bit longer.


  1. Thanks for allowing anonymous posts ;)

    I had these eggs and mageroyal on my snatch list the whole year round. They randomly fell underneath 1,5g (eggs) and 1g (mageroyal) all year round. Fortunately Alliance side they were much cheaper so I could get a stockpile there.

    The first hours of the event you can sell the cakes for up to 100g, but after a day or two it is not worth it, and you might better sell raw mats.


  2. Do you have an RSS feed? I'd really like to put it on my google.

  3. If you going to completely steal an article I wrote this week, at least you can give me a link back to my article. LOL! And even steal my play on words using EGG in the title. ROFL!

  4. Well shoot Cold, Didn't steal your article... altho looking at your blog I agree we've written on the same thing this week. I apologize. Find it overly odd as it seems to be the only blog post of yours I didn't read this week.

  5. Hahaha no worries, I'm just joking with ya. It's truly funny that we both had Eggciting or Eggcellent or variants there of.

  6. can't forget nest egg.... I like my puns :)
