Sunday, September 19, 2010

Top Chef WOW

I see a lot of discussions about what Professions you need to chose to maximize your profits. They all have things to offer. Jewelcrafting has epic gems which can make you a fortune, Blacksmithing has belt buckles, rods as well as gear, Tailoring has spellthreads, Leatherworking has drums and leg armors, Inscription has vellum and glyphs, heck even engineering has vanity pets now. But in all these discussions I never hear anyone mention a profession that adds rather nicely to my weekly income.  That profession is Cooking!

Now there are several items that cooking can profit off of. There are the Savory Deviate delights which when cooked easily go for 2g a fish as well as other lower level cooking items that should help you profit all the way up to 450 (Think Twink food).

The majority of the profit however is to be made when you reach Northrend cooking. Right out of the gate  you can start flipping Grilled Sculpin and Poached Nettlefish; the raw fish are farmed in wintergasp and there is usually a very large supply. Often I obtain these at 6-13g a stack and cook up the fish and sell from 1-1.5g a fish.

After you have done a few Dalaren cooking quests you will be able to buy some of the most awesome recipes in the game.The ones I find the most useful and profitable are Dragonfin Fillets, Blackened Dragonfin, Firecracker Salmon and of course Fish Feast. all of these can be EXTREMELY profitable. Northern spices are now sub 1g each and the raw fish for these tend to go between 1-2g per fish (sculpin and nettlefish are much cheaper for the fish feast). When cooked I have been selling the Dragonfins for 8g per fish in stacks of 5 and selling around 100 or so a night (on a high pop server). The Firecracker Salmon don't seem to sell  as well  but do rather well priced a gold or two below the dragonfins and the raw fish tend to be cheaperfor these. I post for around 6g a fish and sell 5 stacks of 5 a night. Depending on mats the Fish Feast can be very profitable due to being the best raid food you can find but markets tend to vary drastically on the feasts.

Cooking is overlooked and overshadowed by the big professions. I have had a lot of success with it and I am sure come Cataclysm the new recipes will be just as profitable so don't neglect it, After all it is Free!


  1. I just subscribed to your blog. Just wanted to say thanks for creating it and I look forward to future posts :)

    By the way, I also enjoy cooking :)

  2. If you do fish, fish in Bay of Azshara (300+ fishing) for Darkclaw lobster and buy the BOE recipe in mass. Because it (along w/ Zesty Clam meat, Bear Meat, Sandworm Meat) are the only things to get you to 300 cooking. Nobody really bothers to grind for Felwood Bears or Silithus worms, so Darkclaw lobsters are often the cheapest things. Even on a well established, goblin heavy, and highly populated server, I sell Darkclaw anywhere from 10-20g per piece, and tiny deposit fee.

